SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED, preventative & holistic
It’s time to shake y’all. It’s that simple. Vibration helps us be healthy, harmonious & calm.
Essentially humans are densely made-up of several hundreds & thousands of layers of vibrations. When we can allow stress energy (which is really strong & powerful) through our bodies instead of armoring around it or tensing up, we can stay healthy & even prevent disease.
In the video below Kalinda Kano & Bonnie Praiser of Yoga Loka talk about & demonstrate the tremor mechanism that all people are capable of accessing.
Trauma & tension releasing exercise does what it says as well as
The second video helps to demonstrate the reference Bonnie makes to animals in the wild. It is believed that animals do not experience trauma. It is believed that because they shake it off, their body restores vibrational harmony & essentially resets or returns to homeostasis.